Employee Recruiting Guide

Many lawn and landscape business owners say employees — from supervisors to foremen to crew members — are the most important parts of their organizations. But finding reliable labor has become a business pain. In fact, the majority of landscape business owners say hiring, recruiting and retaining enough workers is their No. 1 concern. You need people, but you can’t find them. NALP’s Recruiting Guide for Landscape Industry Companies can help! In this guide, we highlight a combination of recruiting strategies that can help attract the right people to your lawn or landscape company.

Inside you’ll find tips on:

  • General best practices     
  • Tools to build a workforce pipeline     
  • How to attract underrepresented groups like women, veterans and younger generations     
  • How to strengthen your company culture
  • And more!

Get Insights to Grow Your Business

LinkedIn research says employee turnover can be reduced by 28 percent by just investing in your company’s brand reputation."

Source: Ultimate Landscape Employee Recruiting Guide

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