Growing Your Business

Congress and the Administration are constantly discussing, debating, proposing and implementing policies that impact landscape industry businesses. Some policies promote and enhance your ability to conduct your business, while negative polices can have a devastating impact on your bottom line.

The National Association of Landscape professionals monitors and remains actively engaged on issues that may not be specific to the landscape industry but can impact landscape businesses. NALP works closely with Congress and the Administration when such policies are debated and also works with industry allies and coalitions in support or opposition of these policies.

Areas in which NALP is currently engaged on include:

  • Affordable health care
  • Trade issues, protecting the lawncare industry from rising costs on equipment and inputs
  • Tax reform, providing opportunities to promote the industry and realize tax benefits for landscape businesses
  • Employment law issues

Click here to see the NALP Government Relations Blog on recent activity and updates on these issues and more.